
Here, you will find material on Conflict Coaching, Mediation, Multi-Party Mediation/Conflict Moderation and Psycho-Social Support for People in Emergency Situations. 

  • Texts 
  • Instructional films
  • Presentations
  • Radio/TV performances

Please, scroll down and chose.

Links to texts

Project Report 2010-2020

Redlich, A. (2020). Gemeinsame Entwicklung mediativer Kompetenz (Collaborative Development of Mediative Competence). Perspektive Mediation (2) 84-90. (in German)

Conflict Coaching



Multi-Party Mediation / Conflict Moderation with Groups


Psycho-Social Support for People in Emergency Situations

  • Link to a collection of methods for Psycho-social Support of People in Emergency Situations (German and Russian)

Project Research

Links to instructional films

Multi-Party Mediation / Conflict Moderation with Groups 

German with English subtitles on YouTube:

German with Russian and English subtitles (for download)

Mediation with two parties

Links to presentations

Conflict Coaching

Here you'll find links to a presentation about the basics of the Hamburg concept of Mediative Conflict Coaching:


Video-Introduction: Conflict mediation - a guided tour through challenging terrain (in German)

Psycho-Social Support for People in Emergency Situations